Seders...Because We Can

Passover is a definite hi-light for any OCD Orthodox Jew. With an intense focus on controlling one's eating, anyone with an eating disorder can feel right at home. Control issues are at an all time high and if that doesn't do it for you, go to town hunting for the last crumb triple wrapped in cellophane paper.
Yet, we manage to add on 2 additional seders (seems one is not enough) for Tu'Beshvat and Pesach Sheni. I actually enjoy them! Well, maybe because there are no real "rules" or they are just so lenient in comparison to the Passover seder (which I truthfully enjoy as well, albeit a marathon ). But truthfully, my husband makes them entertaining,joyful and enriching. Anyway, so last night we celebrated Pesach Sheni (because we didn't get enough matzah in the first time around:) in remembrance of the Jews who missed the first seder for reasons of impurity. Of course, I had to ask. "I understand why Pesach Shenei was celebrated for those who missed it, but we didn't miss it. Why are we celebrating it?" Note, these questions are more rhetorical. Of course, I new, that we were celebrating it simply, because we can.


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