Chinese Mom....NOT

I'm not sure how many of you have read the article about why Chinese mother's are superior from Amy Chua's "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother." Well it seems that I am falling short. Of course, as my youngest son said, "But we're not Chinese!"

I'd like to suggest an alternative article about why Jewish mother's are superior. I would title my book "MatzahBall Hymn of the Yiddisha Mama" In this article I would explain the reason so many Jewish kids grow up to get what they want. I would explain how to excel at guilt trips that manipulate children (and parents) into doing what they need. I would explain that schelping your children from one activity to another and ensuring they have a Jewish education can all be accomplished with maximum insult to a child's psyche that will ensure that they do the same. I would say that denying a child Halloween,  McDonald's and Saturday birthday parties days strengthen's them to their very core and that putting them in schools with other children experiencing the same deprivation build's character and religious guilt. Well, we may not be perfect parents but at least our children know they are NOT Chinese!


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