
We all have dreams. I know some of us recall our dreams and others don't. My favorite dream (and I remember it vividly from childhood) is a flying dream. It was so incredible that I was angry when I realized I had woken up and was no longer in my dream.

My husband has very meaningful dreams. In fact, we are living where we are today because of a repetitive dream that directed us to the synagogue where we now attend. His most recent dream is that of an old man teaching him a way of understanding the order of the ten plagues. But here's the thing. This approach has not been brought down by any other commentators.  It contained a very detailed Rashi and my husband can explain it to anyone who will listen to him in detail. Well, he can explain a lot of things in detail. If you have the time, he has the words. He has shared the dream with several rebbes who were quite impressed with this dream and told him it was heaven sent. Truth be told, it kind of blew me away too. I mean its not every day that someone dreams up a complicated Torah interpretation.
There is also a lady who has been to some of my husband's classes who says she sees angels surrounding him. I wonder what else she sees.  I also wonder if the rest of us have any. I'd like to think we all have them. If I have any, I wish they could help out a little with some grocery shopping, cooking and laundry. Where are those angels?
Well, here's to meaningful dreams and angels .....and to those who merit to have them!


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