New Year : Getting Ready to Date: Shidduch Stories Part One

From: Shidduch Dating Made Simple
The other day, my daughter called me to ask me if she should go out with a guy who doesn’t like pets.  “Uh. Can I have a bit more information?” I ask her.  It seems that she has been filling out her “dating application” on line at her school and she was matched up with someone “who doesn’t like pets.”  Personally I can’t imagine how that would be a match, since she sleeps with a lamb (OK, well its not a real lamb) but  we do own a dog. Maybe he meant rodents. She doesn't like those either. She also tells me her applicant plays the guitar and likes to sing.

So do I, but that doesn’t say much.

So, I ask her what else it says and she says he is studying “Jewish Thought.” What is that? I ask her. “That’s not a career,” I tell her. I also have Jewish thoughts. Then she tells me he has a lot of allergies including pollen, mold, grass, cats and dogs. “OK. I’ve heard enough. Move on.” I then suggest to her that she use her bar tending license to go get a job at a bar and pick up the nicest Jewish guy there.


Ok. Ok. Maybe that’s not the best way, but really I do not understand this whole resume thing when it comes to dating. I don’t know but I think she might do better than a Jewish thinker who sings in the shower and sneezes if she just went to a Shabbos party and met some nice people.

My son is also at the same stage in life. We’ve been told that he will be given resumes from potential girls that we are to read through. I read through one. There were words I did not understand as I don’t read, write or talk “Yeshivish,” so I had to get it translated into regular English. Apparently we are to read through the resumes, pick the ones we like and then call the girls’ friends to “inquire” about her (note that there is “no gossip” exchanged) and that we should not take all the answers to the questions we ask on face value. For example, if we were to ask, “So how does she dress?” and the answer is “Classy,” that may mean she shops a lot.” I’m starting to feel bad for girls who dress classy as they are doomed from the get go. So, I tell my son, go find a down to earth girl who laughs at your jokes and has a good job AND who can support you while you go to school…since you’ve spent the past 5 years studying in Yeshiva to be an ideal candidate. He laughs.

We have to laugh. This whole shidduch dating thing has gotten out of hand.

Truthfully, you would have to be an FBI agent to qualify for this resume review job. Why not date the old fashioned way? Go to event, party, and synagogue. Look across the mechitza. Find a nice girl. Ask her out.

Not happening, he tells me. Nope. We are in a matchmaking business world and surprise surprise but everyone thinks they are a matchmaker. Apparently there is a very nice fee that comes along with creating a match. My husband tried to inquire as to whether there were levels of match making:

Level One: Made a suggestion
Level Two: Make a suggestion and few phone calls
Level Three: Made a suggestion, few phone calls and arranged the meetings.

We are told, “Not really.”

What does that mean?

But it gets complicated. Like what if one persona makes a suggestion but then someone else sets up the date. Well, I still think this should just be all done on line or better yet through an app. I mean it is 2014 and why not?

This is all in G-d’s hands and we will probably not fit into the exact way this is supposed to be done. That I’m sure of. I’m bound to botch it up at some point. I already had one call and told the candidate to call my son. I was later told it was a set up and not a real inquiry. Oi Vey!

I have a feeling my husband and kids are already plotting a strategy: “How do we get Mom to buy into this?” You see it’s confusing me because on one hand they tell me a “match is made in heaven and the reward is eternal,” but on the other hand I’m supposed to come up with the fee in “this world.” I’m confused as to where (which world) all the transactions are occurring.

Well….I will keep you all posted. I think I’m going to have to create a new blog: “Getting Married to a Yid.”

Sending you all the sweetest and happiest of New Year’s Wishes and may everyone who is looking find their beshert this year! #Rosh Hashanah #Shidduch # Beshert #Matchmaker


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