Where's My Hat?

This photo makes me ponder. It’s quote ironic.

I’m the one without the hat. No head covering.

Those are my siblings. They apparently were given hats on the hot day when we visited Lookout Mountain in 1968.

My hair is out of control. I think this photo was taken right after my mom chopped off my long curls but didn’t know what to do with my hair.

Apparently as a 4th child I was not offered a hat. Or…. more than likely I refused to wear one. What kid in their right mind would put a hat on top of all that hair? I’m sure my mom said, “4th child. I’m not pushing the hat.”

 I’m always explaining to people why covering curly hair is much more challenging than straight. You see, curly hair grows perpendicular to the scalp. You can see from the photo. No Vidal Sasson hair. No bangs. No whispies. It’s like a bush. But we all have our challenges.

Now my hair is super short. My curls refuse to lay flat, so I chopped them off. But, still I wonder. Who was that rebellious (and sometimes still rebellious) girl? Sometimes I’m asked if I gave up too much or what part of myself I’ve kept. I think the operative word there is “self.”

Self: Me, I, myself, mine. I’m generally an introvert. I like people. I enjoy being with them, but I really appreciate my own time. Some of our greatest scholars, rabbis, priests, thinkers have known that being alone is the only way to know yourself.

And, giving of ones “self” is exactly what is needed to find our real self: the SOUL self. Now, that self is quiet, unassuming, soft, content, happy and modest. It needs no attention and…. can easily wear a hat or no hat or whatever. It doesn’t care actually. It gives. It bends. It’s accommodating.

So maybe I’ve grown up. Maybe I can smoosh down my perpendicular roots, not for my self, but for all of us. Maybe.

What did happen to my hat?

I think the sun was in my eyes. A hat might have been a good idea.


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