In Honor of Mrs. R.

 This is a hard entry to write. This week a very holy, special woman passed away. She was my mikvah attendant. For the past 13 years, I have been going religiously to the mikvah across town. Mrs. R. was always there to supervise my dunking. She woudl ask me about my family, inspect my feet and hands and ensure my proper dunking. One day, she asked me (as she was pulling a fiber out of my toenail), "how do you make water?". I replied, "H20". She said, "if you are missing an "H" will you still have water?". I said, "No." To which she replied, " so the details are very important." This was her kind way of reminding me to be very thorough when going through the pre-dunking checklist. At the time, I was wondering ....if details are so important to G-d, then why the kids with missing chromosomes? Surely if G-d can pass up a chromosome, we don't have to be concerned with a fiber under a toenail. I will let the readers ponder that, but Mrs. R was a regal lady and I will surely miss her. She took her duties as a mikvah attendant, as a spouse, as a mother, as a friend seriously. She extended herself to everyone.


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